Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Last week we went down to Cincinnati for vacation. We went to King's Island and Great Wolf Lodge. Michael rode his first real roller coasters. He was a little unsure while waiting in line, but once we got on he loved them! Taylor rode everything and anything. Taylor's favorite ride was the diamondback. It's the biggest coaster they have. Michael's favorite was boo blasters on boo hill which was a ride where you shoot ghosts, mummys, etc in a haunted house setting. I thought he would have been scared to death. But he was shooting the snot out of those monsters. I could have done without the ride. But it's hard to be afraid of something that your six-year old son is laughing at. :o)Great Wolf Lodge was great. The one in Cincinnati is bigger than the one that's in Sandusky. It was perfect for the kids. There was stuff for each of them. Tay will ride anything! Michael got on some body slides for the first time and then he wouldn't get off them. I think his favorite things was sitting on the fountains that sprang out of the ground through out the park. He's something else that kid.

The kids only stopped for food and potty breaks. So this was the only picture I have where they are "posed". It's a good one!

Michael....my son. That boy is crazy.

And finally a family shot before we went down to the water park. Everyone came home in one piece and had a great time. Thanks to Granpa Jira for watching Meg and Charlie.

Have a good week everyone!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

We just got home from Pennsylvania. We went to Penn State to see their fireworks. They were very good. The kids enjoyed themselves. We also got to see Timmy and Jennelle while we were there. They are expecting their first child in February! We are very excited for them! Hope everyone had a Happy 4th!

Jennelle and me chillin' with our lemonades

The family with Joe Pa! (Joe Paterno, Penn State head coach, for those who aren't Penn State fans)

Mike, Timmy, Tay and Michael

Kiddos in the HOT parking lot in front of Penn State stadium

Have a great week everyone!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Michael's party

Michael had his birthday party with some friends Friday, which was his actual birthday.
The party was at the bowling alley close to our house. He had a blast!
Enjoy the pictures!Make a wish!
Michael and Mom


He's getting too big.

Tay, Mike, Katie and Grace. Katie and Grace are my friend, Melissa's kids. For those of you
who remember, Gracie is the one who used to chase Michael around the house and tell me how "hot" he was. :o)
Hope everyone is doing well.
Have a great week!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Michael!!!!

Michael is 6!!!

He is having a bowling party with his friends today. So I will have pictures up later of the party. He is growing up very fast!

Happy Birthday MICHAEL!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Well the kids are out of school and ready for summer. Michael has been playing t-ball and loving it! He's still trying to get the hang of it but he's not too shabby. Taylor starts back swimming this Thursday and is excited. Mike and I are the same as always...work, sleep, repeat.

Taylor was just recently diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. She was having some pain and swelling in her knuckles and ankle. Doctors ran some tests and think she will grow out of it. She is on a daily anti-inflammatory. She will have blood tests, x-rays, eye exams and plenty of doctor visits in her future. The good news is that the medicine seems to be helping her. She says her knuckles still hurt some but not near as much. She is also not dropping things like before or having a hard time writing anymore. The doctors said swimming is great therapy for her. So we are good on that end because she's a fish. :) Well, that's all for now. Keep Tay in your thoughts. Enjoy the pics below of my little slugger.

He looks so professional in this picture. Ready for the big leagues!